December 16th–Advent Calendar


Barnaby Edwards' Christmas Questions

What have been your personal highlights of working on Doctor Who?

Far too many to list here, but being shot at by a dozen Kalashnikov rifles while being drenched in water for Dalek comes pretty close. I felt like Bruce Willis.

What's surprised you most about the world of Doctor Who?

That I'm now a part of it. If you'd told my childhood self that one day he'd grow up to be a Dalek, I think he may have expired from the shock.

What are your earliest memories of Doctor Who?

I can recall Sarah Jane and the Third Doctor being menaced by Aggedor in 1974's The Monster of Peladon. I would have been four at the time and thought it was the most terrifying - and glorious - thing I'd ever seen.

How will you be spending Christmas? And after working on Doctor Who for ages, will you still be watching A Christmas Carol 'live' on the 25th?

I've been touring most of the year with Shakespeare's Globe's production of The Merry Wives of Windsor and feel I've earned a break, so I'll be spending a quiet Christmas with some friends in Menorca. If they can get BBC ONE there, I shall be watching it. If not, there's always the hard drive recorder.

What's your personal favourite Adventure Game to date? Be honest!

I love the Cyberman one. It's scary, it's exciting and my character gets bitten by a Cybermat. What's not to like?

The last time you went to a fancy dress party, who or what did you go as?

A mummy. I don't recommend it - those bandages are a nightmare!

Do you secretly prefer the Daleks to the Doctor?

That information is classified.

You get one trip in the TARDIS and wind up in a palace. Abba are performing in one room. Elvis is doing his thing in the next. Don't ask how. Timey-wimey, you know? Anyway, you've just got time to bound in and perform with Abba or Elvis. Which singing sensation do you plump for and what do you sing with them?

The likelihood of Abba reforming is slightly less than the possibility that Elvis is still alive, so I'll take the Abba ticket.

Five fast ones: What's your..

-Favourite movie?

It's a toss up between Citizen Kane and Flash Gordon

- Favourite TV Show? (apart from Doctor Who!)

Carl Sagan's Cosmos.

- Ideal Christmas present (to receive!)

An iPad

- Favourite book?

Bleak House by Charles Dickens

- Motto?

Seek. Locate. Destroy.

Finally... what are your new year's resolutions for 2011?

To exterminate that pesky Doctor once and for all.

Big yuletide thanks to Barnaby Edwards!


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