Spoiler Weekend : Sunday 31st 1:00 AM

River Song?
Okay, so I know there are a few people out there who don't like her. But I want to know why? Let me know because she is actually my favourite character and there are some filming video's of her as well from Series 6. There is so much conspiracy around her. I mean really who is she! it gets a little annoying how Moffat (Steven Moffat :D) keeps leaving it hanging. But, Series 6 we find out who she is and we see the first time she meets the Doctor (so that should be interesting) I, personally, think that she's his wife. Other people (like John) think she's a time lady and in filming she wears this necklace that apparently looks like the fob watch from The Family Of Blood. They think she might be this alien thingy called Omega (which I personally haven't heard of, but I'm a younger generation so I don't think I would have) because in the Time Of Angels she has the sign of Omega on her shirt sleeve. They think she's the Face Of Boe, Jack/Face Of Boe's Child, Amy, Donna, the Doctor and The TARDIS. I don't understand some of these idea's/theories, but let me know what you think.


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