Doctor Who Accused Of Anti-Ginger Agenda


Hannah Stott, Sky News Online

The BBC has received around 150 complaints after the new Dr Who made a remark about people with ginger hair.

New Doctor Who Matt Smith On Set With New Companion Karen Gillan

New Dr Who Matt Smith on set with a ginger companion

Matt Smith is the latest actor to play the Time Lord after "regenerating" from David Tennant in the New Year's Day episode and his first words have upset many viewers.

"I've still got legs. Arms, hands, lots of fingers, eyes, hair," said Smith, 27, after his regeneration.

"I'm not a doll. I'm still not ginger," he cried.

But the BBC has insisted that the character intended this as a statement of regret not relief, saying the popular series was not pursuing an "anti-ginger agenda" after parents of red-headed children complained.

A statement from the corporation said: "We would like to reassure viewers that Doctor Who doesn't have an anti-ginger agenda whatsoever.

"This was a reprise of the line in the Christmas Invasion episode in 2005, when David Tennant discovers that he's not ginger, and here he is, missing out again - disappointed he's still not ginger."

The statement added: "In addition, the Doctor's previous companion, Donna Noble, (Catherine Tate) and his new one Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) are both redheads."


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