Village of the Daleks


North Yorkshire seaside village Mablethorpe was rather horribly described as the "Village of the Daleks" (due to the perceived number of mobility scooters) in a Guardian article earlier in the summer - and one local businessman has taken particular umbrage with this tasteless reference to Doctor Who's greatest enemies.

Local paper The Louth Leader has reported how local businessman and owner of Sharky's bar Richard Borthwick has launched a tongue in cheek fightback, utilising a remote controlled Dalek toy and some clever camera angles.

Mr Borthwick, 46, said: "They think that because older and disabled people use these that we should be referred to as the 'Village of the Daleks'- well these things are a lifeline for some of the people around here."

Quite a shoddy remark to make - in fact the Guardian scribe responsible should win a Hack of the Week award for that..


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